
The love of a family is life's greatest blessing!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Loving the sunshine!

I thought that I would write a little post since its been a few months since I last posted!
Things are going well, Scott is in the home stretch of his second shift rotation, and I can NOT wait I am sure missing him not only at home but just missing my husband! Micaela has one more competition left for showchoir this year and its over, she tried out for the musical and we are hoping to hear how that went soon. Gabe is doing well he is working hard on his grades and at times they get low and a few weeks pass before he pulls them up but he is working on it, and just currently got video games back yesterday so I am hoping it lasts for awhile. As for me I am happy and learning to love Mama T more and more everyday, and in doing so I am finding that it has affected me in many more aspects of my life! So I am digging where my life and my family are going!
Not really alot going on but I wanted to drop a line and I hope to write again soon!

♥ xoxo ♥