
The love of a family is life's greatest blessing!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I can do this.. I can do this...

Well the husband is off to start his month on second shift at work. I know that to most people that it just isn't really a bad thing, but to me it's not that its a bad thing, it is just a hard thing. He is my rock and well some times the mediator of the family. I need him to run the household and to balance everything that we have going on and with the kids.I am doubting myself ( as always ) that I can do this for a whole month, I will see him on the weekends but the weeks are going to be rough. I know that I have some great friends that I can lean on and that I can talk too if I need! It is just something that I need to get used too, I need to believe in myself and know that I can do this, but it still doesn't worry me less.
I am hoping that I can blog at least once a week if not more, I think that it will help my sanity as well as help me with everyday things. I have a hard time these days just getting thru most days. But something that I was reminded of today is that " god loves me for ME "

Well for now I am off, got to get laundry finished up, finish up homework for me, and get each of the kids ready for either trick or treating or the youth party..


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A little pep in my step.....

So it is a little amazing to me that how, I made the tiniest changes in my life and I am starting to see results.... I was at a place that was dark, and I felt alone , that no one would want me, you know how that goes when your " in a dark sad place " so I vowed that I was going to change things and NOT going to let myself fall deeper, as I had to be ME for my kids and my husband! So I started changing little things, I started back at working out, and walking and watching what I eat, and I m working at being more positive about everything in my life. I am making sure that my husband and my kids know how much that they mean to me.. DAILY.. I know that they mean the world to me but I want them to feel that way. And of course I thought of things that I wanted to do for me last.... besides working out, I wanted something new with my hair and my looks ( I know I shouldnt worry about how I look or how others see me ) so I already had the appt with my hairdresser for a trim and color well I said I want DRASTIC and different I want when people look at me they know that I got my hair did.. So sure enough she went drastic and different.. Well in this picture you can't tell that the front is purple and we are going for the angled cut.. But I am loving it, I get compliments no matter where I go telling me how cute my hair is, or how good it is, and I even get asked where I get it done, and when I tell them that I do it, seeing their jaws drop is the best feeling EVER!! So then I started getting " ready " for work everyday and even for things that I normally before wouldn't have and started enjoying getting ready and looking forward to getting ready. I am back at getting my nails done and letting her do funky creative things with them just makes me feel pretty when I am loving my nails :-) So this last weekend we had a Halloween party that my sister and brother in law throw every year and this year I went as a lady bug and so sister and I went to get our make up done and while she was doing our make up she was giving us tips on things to do ( she also asked where I got my hair done at, when I told her I did it her jaw dropped and come to find out she is a hair dresser, talk about making me feel good ) So not only did I feel good coming away from getting my make up done but I felt good all evening at the party as friends were noticing weight I ve lost and I was enjoying that this year I fit into a store bought costume and didn't have to shop in the plus size for costumes.... I was feeling " PRETTY " for the evening even though it was a Halloween Party... It's one thing when The Husband was telling me how awesome I looked but when strangers and friends tell you how good your looking, that makes you feel good!!
With what I learned getting my make up done Saturday I have started doing my make up differently trying what I learned and boy have people noticed but in a good way ( I have had those few that slam me and call me names, but its hard to know if they are kidding or for real so I am doing WAY better at shrugging it off ) Here is what I look like today....

The make up you really can't tell in this picture but I am getting BIG compliments today even from a few people at work, and some of my girlfriends are telling me I am looking pretty today and when can I give them a " mini Make over " Loving the hair, I am telling you people I get bored wearing it the same so I have to change it up LOL...
So my point in this post is that it is amazing how when you change the smallest things what all effects in your life and I am smiling more and keeping my head up higher and I know that I am a good person, and a pretty person inside and out and having faith in God and leaning on him is a true testiment on how he is ALWAYS there....

Well for now, and until next time!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What's New.....

Hey there, it has been awhile since I wrote last so I thought that I would do some writing to update on what has been going on with the " McDowell Clan ".....

Let's see... The husband has been putting in long work days and 50 + hours a week in for that last few weeks, and all though it is nice for us building our future for our family so we can really start saving and not just living check to check, it does a little stink not having him around he gets home after 6p and then eats dinner, does things around the house, and once he sits down that's it, let's call it a night :-) Or as soon as his head hits the pillow he is O.U.T. so I am really missing the husband, and we have had talks lately on how we are going to make this schedule work, especially next month when his crew that he is on goes on second for a month. I mean there will be alot more that I have to do because he won't be there to help, and he said " well babe you pretty much do everything already " although that was nice to hear that he notices that things that I do, it gave me this VERY overwhelming feeling of " OMGoodness what am I going to do next month with out him? " We are going to be talking to the kids about helping out and somethings around our house that are going to change a little, just to help the flow of our household and to help the Mama T out :-)

In Gabe world... well Gabe was doing REALLY well in school he was getting ALL As and Bs and so I printed off the update of his grades and laminated it and put it on our fridge.. A few weeks after that a few of his grades started to slip to Ds or Cs and Cs are OK but when they are given because he is missing assignments that is NOT acceptable to me SOOO I have been battling with him on a daily basis to " remember " to bring home his homework everyday and to study for upcoming tests and that is well still an ongoing battle! He is a very artistic person and he made up his mind about a month ago that he wanted to make his Halloween costume this year ( a robot ) so he has been working on that when he has the time and is feeling artistic, he also has been making " shields " for some of his friends in the neighborhood, and they are pretty good like they are giving him pictures of things that they want him to put on the shield and he does REALLY good at that, and now him and his friend Garrett are doing like cardboard houses LOL , excited to see the finished project on what the boys are doing. Gabe also had his first girlfriend, and they lasted a few weeks and now he has another one and his reasoning for having this girlfriend is " she was my second option " lol and he says that when he has a girlfriend he seems to be more popular, soooo we shall see where this whole " girlfriend " thing goes and hoping that is helps Gabe out in his social and making friend skills!!

Growing up Micaela that she is and I can not seem to get her to stop. Let's see recently Micaela has gotten a " new hairdo " as well as last week she got contacts. Not really but her wanting them but more for she " has " to have them for showchoir, due to not being able to wear her glasses on stage to perform, she is up to being able to wear them for up to 10 hours I believe, so she wears them for the school day and then takes them out when she gets home :-) She is doing better and better with them, when leaving her appointment last week my Mom bought her sunglasses and she was so excited that she could wear sunglasses and see and NOT have them over her regular glasses, so that was a big deal. She also has started wearing make up, I showed her how I put on make up and said, now this will get you started but as you go you will learn ways to put it on yourself and things that work for you!! She is doing an AMAZING job and looks beautiful. I catch myself with her so many times, either while talking with her or just catching her doing something and I think back to this little blonde hair girl hiding behind her Dad when I first met the kids, and her first girl scouts that she tried, and getting her nails painted, her first dance, always brings tears to my eyes how fast they grow up. I have so many new memories to look forward to with her but I don't know that I'm ready :-) She is an amazing, spirit - filled young lady, and I enjoy watching her grow everyday.. ♥

Mama T <------ is learning to love life all over again!! I work full time 40 - 45 hours a week, going to school part time 3 classes, I bowl on my lady league every Tuesday night, making sure the kids get to where they need to be when they need to be there, checking up on their grades and homework making sure things are turned in, clean the house weekly, laundry is a weekly almost daily thing... You get the picture Mama T does alot and for the first time in a long time I said out loud to my husband that I NEED HELP!! I notice that I get so stressed so easily, or I just get mad so quick, and later feel so bad about it whether it's something the husband does or did or even something the kids did or said. I take things WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY to personal coming from the husband or my kids. I am the kids Mom way before I am their friend and they know that, Mama comes first. But I stress about that daily because I want both of my kids to feel comfortable coming to me to talk to me about anything, or to ask questions about anything. And so far they have, and I want to keep that open. But at the same time I don't want to push things. I am exploring , researching different things or ways that I can help reduce my stress level or help ease the level or " freak out times " I thought about writing again, whether it is short stories, or little poems, or even scrapbooking - I am working on setting up an area that I can have my stuff set up in so I can have that to go too whenever I want too!! I am making it a goal to read more, even if for right now its a few times a week, I want to eventually get back to reading daily or nightly or both. I am trying to make a point to see my friends more and let them know what they mean to me, and sometimes in doing all these things I stretch myself thin, so in the midst of this I am learning to try and have some Mama T time, even if that time for now only comes every other week when getting my nails done or every other month when I get my hair done, because I want to always be there for my kids and my husband and make sure that they know that.. So Mama T is a work in progress and hope that I find a happy medium to help me relax and take things as they come more..

I am pretty sure that wraps it up what is and has been going on at our home-front these last few weeks/months. The pets are doing well, Gina is starting to get out of the back yard when we let her out so this week she is getting her first collar and identification tags so if she does get out people know where her home is!! Bubba is well BIG Bubba and I need to get him to reduce his eating LOL, Romeo is starting to come out of " hiding " more and more! Cooper and Chloe are cute as can be and they ALWAYS make Mama T smile on her worst days, they are truly a blessing to me.. ♥

I think that's all I have for now and hope to do a better job on keeping up with this!! Till next time..


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Joyce Meyer

Soooooo this last weekend Micaela and I went to the Womans Conference in St. Louis with Joyce Meyer, John Maxwell & Caroline Leaf!! AMAZING...... worship was led by Darlene Zchech and Natalie Grant, it was just amazing. Not only did I take it so much and learn so much about myself and a better walk with God is that I got to share that experience with Micaela! We are already planning on registering for next year before this year is over with!

I have somethings that I want to work on and that I will make better and I think with what I brought back from the conference that everything will fall into place! A big thing is my attitude, I tend to go more on the negative side of things, and I want to be more positive even if things aren't looking so good for me or my family at the moment. Being positive will effect EVERY aspect of my life :-) You can't be positive and negative at the same time, pick one and I chose POSITIVE!!

I did notice over the weekend that I tend not to give myself enough credit in things, and I tend to tear myself down in all areas of my life, so my testimony today is:

It was an amazing weekend and I already have a countdown until next year, this is something that no matter where I am or my life is at EVERY year I will be there to see Joyce and hear the word of God!! GOD IS GOOD!! I am looking forward to what my life has in store for me for the first time in a very long time :-)

Moving right along!

I thought that I would update as its been awhile since I updated last! Let's see...

Micaela is crazy busy with school, worship practice, showchoir performances and show times, and then time to see her friends and boyfriend :-) Tonight she has her first performance with the showchoir at Northrop tonight, and then tomorrow they perform again at the Bluffton fair, I can NOT wait to see them and what they can do. I have a shirt with the showchoir name on it and my name to support Micaela I think that I need to make a badge type thing, like what the football and band Moms had when I was in school :-) That is my mission!

Gabe is doing really well in school, he brought home his first " progress report " and only had 2 low grades and he fixed one of those right away ( missing assignments ) and the other one we are working on bringing that up. I am just thankful he is liking this school and he is excelling at this school. He is actually bummed when they don't have school its cute and makes my heart smile, that he is liking school more this year! I don't expect either of my kids to get all As but I do expect them to try their hardest and if that is a C then so be it. I know they both can do anything that they put their minds too.

Scott is doing so awesome! He has lost I believe 23.5 pounds now, he has a goal weight and is like 17 pounds away from reaching that! We both watch what we eat and how much and when, and he also has been riding his bike to and from work, and then doing bike rides with his brother Ryan and Damon. Some of the bike rides that they go on are like 13 or more miles long! Its crazy, but its making Scott happy and he is looking awesome :-)

Me I am doing well in school, we have been in session for over a month now, and I am at A- in one class and I believe a B in the other, and we just took our first test in Accounting ( a little nervous about that ) but I have the whole semester to bring that up if that is the case! I love school, I don't know if this time around I am getting to enjoy it more with not having so much other stuff going on that I can just focus on that or what it is but I am really enjoying it. ( I know I know I am a nerd ) I work full time @ APR and then I bowl on my lady league once a week on Tuesdays, and then I have school 3 classes one face to face ( accounting ) and then 2 business classes online and so far I am doing pretty good I think! I do have my mini " breakdowns " every now and then where I get really overwhelmed, but I am learning to ask more for help from the family, especially when they are offering!

We are having an issue at home with a spot in the house that smells of cat pee ( Bubba went there a few times shortly after the move ) and I am sure that he has since then once or twice and as well as the dogs going there by accident if they aren't let out enough! ANYWAYS I have gotten on my hands and knees and scrubbed, shampooed, swept... I am running out of ideas on what to do so I googled it and have tons of ideas of things to try now and I plan on trying them - they won't hurt right?!? And when no one is there the cats will be in the basement, they have a ton of room to run, their literbox and food are down there , couches to lay on and they will be set and I will add that to clean once a week is mop the downstairs and organize it up a little more!

Well I think for now that's about all that I can think of that's going on with us! I will do a better job at updating !!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Well its been a long time since I have posted last! Micaela and I had a BLAST on our vacation at the lake :-) It was so relaxing and some really good " girl time " for us that we both needed! While we were on vacation Gabe started school at his new school Imagine Schools... he wasnt all that excited at first but as the week progressed he got a little more excited and likes the school so far :-)

Then it was back to reality.... I went back to work, Micaela started her freshman year at Northrop :/ where does the time go they grow up so fast!!
I can't believe she is a freshman already, she was only 5 1/2 when I met Scott it is amazing just how fast time goes!!

In returning home I had laundry to do a house to pick up ( as I did have 2 boys living there with no girls for a week ) then I had to prepare myself to get ready to start classes the same day as Micaela as well as go back to work.. ( chloe was pumping me up about school ) I was already starting to have tiny panic attacks about all that was upcoming, school for 3 of the 4 of us, activities for the schools for the kids, showchoir for Micaela, Gabe and his school work, my school work, and then me being a Good Mom, a Good Wife and still getting some " Mama T time and friend time in there " but The husband helped settle me down and said that we would get thru this as we always do and he would support me no matter what!! That helped :-)

Coming back to work it felt nice to be back, and my desk wasnt all that much a mess like I thought it would be LOL... Then Monday night came my class and BAM instant information overload! I have a space set up at home for me to use as a study... So I have a place of my own to go and study and do homework! I have things all in place and organized and started working on homework last night up until 1am..... WHOA Mama T cant function well on just 5 hours of sleep LOL so we are going to have to do something about that!

As is life we are having some financial things that we need to work out, and it just has me a little stressed and a little down and I feel like a total failure as a person and as a parent and a wife. I am going to turn this around if it kills me so I started to create a monthly budget ( that will change from month to month ) since some of our bills change from month to month. And I will see how that goes because I can't take on another job right now and neither can The Hubs so we are going to work overtime and to the bone and we WILL turn this around! IT IS WHAT IT IS!!

Well I think that about does it for what is going on in the McDowell Household these days....

Friday, July 30, 2010

Who knew....

I just got home from a night hanging out with some of my girlfriends! They all have younger kids than I do, and they do these like " sales " where they take their kids clothes and try to sell them if they dont sell then they donate them, pretty cool! Well we all got together tonight to have dinner and visit and catch up, and also the ladies were marking their stuff to get it ready for this sale next week or weekend. I loved being there and hearing their baby stories, visiting with my pal X, and just being with some friends, and Mamas!! Its amazing how I feel right now, like I miss every one of those girls I dont see them near enough as I d like too! I know that families and lives takes us into different directions, but you know I need to do a better job at making time for my friends!

This summer has seemed to come and go faster than I think any other summer has for me. And seeing how I have been " sick " for most of it I have looked back on how much I feel of the summer I have truly missed. You know when you arent feeling well the last thing you want to do is hang around others, especially lots of others! And who knows you best then your pals right!! Some may think the health issues I have going on are serious and some do not, I m not really sure where I stand on that, I guess when my DR starts to worry alot then in return I will start to worry! But dealing with this pain and sickness everyday for the summer has just gotten me so bitter and so fed up with feeling this way, that I have the attitdue of " I wanna move on with my life" I wanna have fun I wanna be that girl that everyone loved being around, not the one the people dread being around!! ( No one has ever said that they dread being around me but I dread being around me when I m sick I can only imagine what others think )

I left Lizs house tonight feeling happy and loved just hanging out with those ladies for a few hours and feeling like a part of their life. You know tonight something stuck out to me, that my Mom has been telling me for years, I do not give myself enough credit, nor do I think highly of myself! And I do , I am like that! My friend Kelsey said tons of times how glad she was that I was there, feeling wanted and needed like that is something that I hold very dear to me. I have never thought I was pretty enough, or smart enough, or in shape enough! I just never thought too much for myself when others thought I was the sweetest, nicest, fun, loving girl they had ever met, and tonight I saw little things of myself that I havent seen in a really long time! It was a nice thing to see, it kinda opened my eyes!!

I have been going thru a dark time for sometime now, and I really feel like this is a start of pulling myself out of it, and a start back to the Tammy that I can like! And the Tammy my husband fell in love with!

This might seem like an odd post, but it was something I was feeling and wanted to share and what better way to share it than on my blog, thats what its there for right!!

Well off to bed I go, I need some cuddle time with my puppies as Daddy is at the lake with his Mens Group . One day away and I miss him like crazy!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

HuMp DaY

Bare with me I have not posted in a few days as I m getting my site all set and the way I want things to look!!

We are getting really excited for the kids to come home NEXT WEEKEND!! And then sooo looking forward to the week that Micaela and I are getting just us at the lake cottage before school starts :-)

Praying and hoping that my health starts getting " back into whack " and I no longer have pains and am so run down and can join the life of the living again!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Transferring posts from old site......


So I was inspired by Cailtin McDonald (http://caitlinmcdonald.wordpress.com/ ) on blogging and even doing it daily, and I hope to keep that going!

I had a DR appt this last week, due to me having some serious pains, and I knew what they were as they were the same pains that I had back in October when I had a cyst that burst, well it turns out after talking with my DR Friday morning and then her sending me to the hospital for tests , I have 2 more cysts, 1 big and 1 small ( not sure what her definition is of small or big LOL ) but she is putting me on meds and then checking back with me!! I have alot of mixed feelings about this and what was all talked about! And right now I m just glad that my husband is home and he is here with me!!

Well I know this is short and here and there, but a good start!! <3

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Follow my blogs here until I can figure out a way to join them both or copy and paste on both!!

♥ Mama T